Der Premierminister von Irland, Micheál Martin, eröffnete die 12. "International Council of Nurses (ICN) Nurse Practitioner and Advanced Practice Network (NP/APN) Conference" und sagte "The theme of this year’s conference is shaping the future of healthcare, and recent global healthcare events have shown us your capacity to do exactly that. When advanced practitioners are located in sufficient numbers in specific areas, they can have a real impact in addressing some of the key challenges in the health service, including management of long-term conditions, improving patient access to services and reducing waiting times. Needless to say, patients greatly value the difference these services make to their overall health and wellbeing. I want to thank all nurses and midwives for the impact that you make on the health and lives of the public in Ireland and around the world.”
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Generaldirektor der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), hielt die Eröffnungsrede und sagte, dass Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) eine wesentliche Rolle spielen. Er sagte "We know that nurse and midwives can safely provide a large proportion of primary healthcare services and the foundation of universal health coverage. And yet, far too many do not have the opportunity to work to the full extent of their education and training. The WHO remains committed working with all of you to support the leadership, the recognition, safeguarding and advancement of nurses and midwives, and all health and care workers around the world. I thank you.”
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